

Holy Trinity School is proud to offer students programs that will help them develop as whole persons and grow to their fullest potential. 

Holy Trinity School Programs

We are proud to prepare all of our students to be Catholic leaders for the 21 st century. Offering a well-rounded education means providing programs that enrich our current school curriculum. Students have weekly classes in Art, Music, and PE. Students in TK - 4 have STEM education in the Tinkerlab as well as in their Technology class. Middle school students have the opportunity to take an elective class each trimester. Other special opportunities include afterschool dance, yoga, and karate, film making, foreign language, academic decathlon, and more. Each class takes one or more field trips annually, selected by the classroom teacher to enhance the grade level curriculum.

Saint Families Program

All students are assigned to a "School Family." This family - name after a saint, contains one student from each grade TK - 8. Each teacher has two school families assigned to their room. The older buddies help their younger counterparts with reading, math, art and social skills and model appropriate Mass behavior by sitting with them during weekly student body masses. Our younger students learn to model good reading and appropriate social skills, while older children learn patience and empathy, two critical aspects in social and adolescent development. School families gather for activities and to celebrate holidays and holy days approximately once per month.


The yearbook is an annual visual account of each year’s school events. It is created online and published as a book. The committee is comprised of 8 th grade students and 7 th / 6 th grade student apprentices. Yearbook duties include learning and becoming proficient with the yearbook software program, taking photographs, designing pages, writing, and editing pictures and text. Yearbook committee members interact professionally with a faculty advisor(s), administration, faculty and staff, students, priests, and parents. Deadlines must be adhered to; responsibilities extend to the end of the school year. 
For more infomation please contact Ms. Bowman

Student Government

We are proud of our students who have chosen to take the responsibility of leadership through our Student Council program. Their care and concern for fellow students is a model of responsibility to their classmates and an example of the life of Christ. Student council is a faculty supervised program for students in grades 3 – 8 that teaches children how to be leaders, how to solve problems, how to plan activities and make them happen, and how to inspire other students to reach their goals. Student Council is a year-long commitment.

Academic Decathalon Team

What is the Decathlon?

The Decathlon is an academic competition held annually by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles each March. This year, approximately one hundred Catholic schools from throughout the Archdiocese will have teams of students in grades 6 – 8. There are ten events. Two are collaborative team efforts – a logic quiz with 20 rigorous thinking problems, and a super quiz with 50 multiple choice questions on five broad academic themes. The remaining eight events test individual knowledge of the Roman Catholic doctrine, English and spelling, Literature, Science, Mathematics, Current Events, Social Studies, and Fine Arts (music and art). Points are awarded as follows: the Logic Quiz is worth 8000 points; the Super Quiz is worth 8000 points; and each individual event is worth 1000 points for a total possible of 24000 points. Awards are given for individual and team performance, and the winning school team from each geographic diocese competes in a national championship the first Saturday of May each year.

Holy Trinity school is excited to field a team this year! We are currently seeking students in grades 5 – 8 for the team and for alternates. Students in grade 5 are not eligible to compete this year but will be eligible next year, and we highly encourage them to come practice with us this year!


We encourage students to find an extracurricular activity that they find exciting and to pursue their personal best in whatever they do. We have volunteer coaches who mentor our students in good sportsmanship, athletic techniques, and how to play team and individual sports. After-school CYO sports vary year to year depending upon student interest. Available sports include Flag football, Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys and Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Soccer, Girls Softball, Cross Country, and Bowling. 

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