Altar Servers and Mass Lectors

Altar Serving

Mission: To involve young children in serving Jesus by assisting the Priest at Mass and other liturgies 

The Ministry of Altar Servers is a group of boys and girls fourth grade and up – assisting in the parish liturgical celebrations. Altar servers assist the Priest in the celebration of the Mass so the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. They assist the celebrant at the chair and at the altar by lighting the candles, dressing the altar, carrying the processional cross, carrying the incense, holding the books, and a variety of other tasks during the liturgy. They do this by performing their duties with honor and respect, reflecting the true presence of Christ at the Mass. It also offers an opportunity for Altar Servers to assist the presider during other liturgies such as weddings and funerals.

For more information and for training, please contact Ms. Lloyd or Deacon Ray or Fr. Mike


Mission: To involve young children in serving Jesus by proclaiming the Word of God at Mass and other liturgies

The Ministry of Lectors is a group of boys and girls fourth grade and up – who are trained to proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Students practice the reading both at school and home to learn to effectively proclaim God's word.  


For more information and for training, please contact Ms. Lloyd

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